
What cause movements along the supply curve?

   Learning Contents:                                                             ·             Extension of supply ·             Contraction of supply Introduction As the Law of supply states, other things remaining constant, when the price of a commodity rises, sellers are willing to sell more of it; if price of a commodity falls, they sell less of it. Therefore, price may either go up or down and this causes the seller to sell either more or less of a commodity respectively. Movements along the supply curve means moving ‘up or down’ the supply curve. When price becomes the only reason for a change in the supply for a commodity, it is called as the movements along the supply curve. Such movements along the supply curve are known as extension of supply (upward movement ) and contraction of supply ( downward movement).   A movement along the supply curve is also known as change in the quantity supplied for a commodity. The change in quantity supplied is classified into tw

Determinants of Supply/ Factors affecting Supply

Learning Contents:   Factors affecting supply of the commodity                                                     Supply refers to the quantity of the commodity that a seller is willing and able to sell at different possible prices during a particular point of time. The quantity of the commodity that a firm sells is not only affected by the price of the commodity but other factors such as price of related goods, cost of production, objective of the firm, etc. Therefore, the supply function shows the functional relationship between the quantity supplied; price and the various factors affect the supply of the commodity. The supply of a commodity is a function of various factors stated in an equation below: S x =f (P X , P r , O, G P , T, S, P F , E, I, P W, N D )   Here, S x  = Supply for Commodity X; P X  = Own price of the given Commodity x; P r  = Prices of Related Goods; O = Objective of the firm; G P = Government policies; T = Technological improvements; N = Number of selle

New Problems Based on Price elasticity of Demand

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