
Showing posts with the label Factors affecting Demand/Demand Function/Determinants of Demand

Factors affecting Demand/Demand Function/Determinants of Demand

    Learning Contents:                                                             ·          Determinants of Demand Function    Demand Function   Demand function shows how demand for a commodity is related to various factors. What causes an increase or decrease the demand? In the real world, there are some factors that cause an increase or decrease in demand such as own price of the commodity, price of related goods, income of the consumer, taste, and preferences, etc. Demand Function can be classified into two types: A. Individual Demand Function B. Market Demand Function A. Individual Demand Function Individual demand function shows how demand for a commodity, by an individual consumer in the market is related to its various factors. Individual demand function is expressed as D x =f (P X , P r , Y, T, E)   Here, D x  = Demand for Commodity x; P X  = Price of the given Commodity x; P r  = Prices of Related Goods; Y = Income of the Consumer; T = Tastes and Preferences;