Class -12th CBSE Economics Question paper for Examination 2019-(Code-58/1/1, 2, 3)

 Code No.-58/1/1/2/3

Question Paper for Examination 2019

                                           Class XII


Time allowed : 3 hours                                            Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions :

(i) All questions in both sections are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each question.

(iii) Question Nos. 1 – 4 and 13 – 16 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each.

(iv) Question Nos. 5 – 6 and 17 – 18 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 60 words each.

(v) Question Nos. 7 – 9 and 19 – 21 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 70 words each.

(vi) Question Nos. 10 – 12 and 22 – 24 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should normally not exceed 100 words each.

(vii) Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible.

                                           SECTION – A


One Mark Questions:

1. In the given figure, the movement on the production possibility curve from point A to point B shows ____________.     (Choose the correct alternative)                                                           

(a) Growth of all the resources in the economy.
(b) Underutilisation of resources.
(c) Production of more units of Good X and less units of Good Y.
(d) Production of more units of Good Y and less units of Good X.

2. Average fixed cost curve ________. (Choose the correct alternative)                                

(a) is a straight line parallel to X-axis.

(b) is a straight line parallel to Y-axis.

(c) falls, as more units are produced

(d) rises, as more units are produced


Which of the following formula is correct for calculating marginal cost? (Choose the correct alternative)                                                                                                                                        

(a) MCN = TFCn – TFCN – 1

(b) MCN = ACN – ACN – 1

(c) MCN = AVCN – AVCn – 1

(d) MCN = TCn – TCN – 1

3. The average product curve in the input-output plane, will be __________. (Choose the correct alternative)                                                                                                                                           

(a) an ‘S’ shaped curve

(b) an inverse ‘S’ shaped curve

(c) a ‘U’ shaped curve

(d) an inverse ‘U’ shaped curve

4. If the market supply of a commodity X changes due to improvement in technology, the market supply curve will ________. (Fill up the blank)


If the market supply of a commodity X changes due to rise in price of a factor input, the market supply curve will ________. (Fill up the blank)      


Three  Marks  Questions:

5. Identify and discuss the nature of the following newspaper reports in terms of positive or normative economic analysis :

(i) “India jumped 23 points in the World Bank’s ease of doing business index to 77th place, highest in 2 years.” – The Economic Times

(ii) “Government should further liberalise the business rules.” – The Economic Times                   

6. Distinguish between substitute goods and complementary goods, with examples.


    Distinguish between normal goods and inferior goods, with examples.  (Set-1)

6.Good X and Good Y are substitute goods. If price of Good X increases, discuss briefly its likely impact on the demand for Good Y.


If the income of a consumer increases, discuss briefly its likely impact on the demand for an inferior good, Good X. (Set-2)

6.Good X and Good Y are complementary goods. If price of Good X increases, discuss briefly its likely impact on the demand for Good Y.


If the income of a consumer increases, discuss briefly its likely impact on the demand for a normal good, Good X. (Set-3)

Four Marks Questions:                                    

7. Discuss briefly, using a hypothetical schedule, the relation between marginal utility and total utility.


Discuss briefly, using a hypothetical schedule the concept of diminishing marginal rate of substitution.     (Set-1)

7. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility using a hypothetical schedule.


What is a budget line? Why the budget line is left to right downward sloping?    (Set-2)    

7. Explain the law of equi- marginal utility.


Discuss the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium under ordinal approach.   (Set-3)    

8.  Complete the following cost schedule :

Quantity (in Units)






Total cost (in )






Total variable cost (in )






Average variable cost (in )






9. In the given diagram, OP is the market determined price, and OP1is the price fixed by the government.

 (a) Identify if the diagram represents, price ceiling or price flooring.

 (b) Discuss the likely behaviour of the market in the given condition. 

Suppose the demand and supply equations of a commodity X in a perfectly competitive market are given by :

Qd = 1700 – 2P

Qs = 1300 + 3P

Calculate the value of equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity of the commodity X.

Six Marks Questions:     

10. (a)   Define price elasticity of demand. 

(b) If the price of a commodity rises by 40% and its quantity demanded falls from 150 units to 120 units, calculate the coefficient of price elasticity of demand for the commodity.  (2+4 )

11. What is meant by “diminishing returns to a factor”? Discuss any two reasons for the operation of diminishing returns to a factor.

12.Elaborate three main features of monopoly form of market. (Set-1)


Distinguish between perfect competition and monopolistic competition on the basis of the following :

(a) Number of sellers

(b) Nature of product

(c) Selling cost

12. Elaborate three main features of oligopoly form of market. (Set-2)


Distinguish between monopoly and monopolistic competition on the basis of the following :

(a) Number of sellers

(b) Nature of product

(c) Selling cost

12.Explain three main features of monopolistic competition form of market. (Set-3)


Distinguish between perfect and monopolistic competition on the basis of the following :

(a) Number of sellers

(b) Nature of product

(c) Selling cost



One Mark Questions:

13. Give any two examples of flow concept.

14.  Define the term ‘tax’.

15.Suppose in a hypothetical economy, the income rises from  ₹ 5,000 crores to ₹ 6,000 crores. As a result, the consumption expenditure rises from  ₹ 4,000 crores to  ₹ 4,600 crores. Marginal propensity to consume in such a case would be ________. (Choose the correct alternative)

(a) 0.8

(b) 0.4

(c) 0.2

(d) 0.6

16.What is meant by primary deficit?


      What is meant by fiscal deficit?

Three  Marks  Questions:

17.Define the problem of double counting in the computation of national income. State any two approaches to correct the problem of double counting.


“Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does not give us a clear indication of the economic welfare of a country.”   Defend or refute the given statement with a valid reason.

18.If in an economy :(Set-1)

Change in initial Investments (DI) = 500 crores

Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) = 0.2

Find the values of the following :

(a) Investment multiplier (k)

(b) Change in final income (DY)

18.If in an economy :(Set-2)

Change in initial Investments (DI) = 700 crores

Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) = 0.2

Find the values of the following :

(a) Investment multiplier (k)

(b) Change in final income (DY)

18.If in an economy :(Set-3)

Change in initial Investments (DI) = 1,200 crores

Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) = 0.2

Find the values of the following :

(a) Investment multiplier (k)

(b) Change in final income (DY)

Four  Marks Questions:

19.How are capital receipts different from revenue receipts? Discuss briefly.  (Set-1)

19.How are capital expenditures different from revenue expenditures? Discuss briefly. (Set-2)

19. (a) How are tax receipts different from non-tax receipts? Discuss briefly.

     (b) State any two items of revenue expenditure in a Government budget. (Set-3)

20.State and discuss the components of Aggregate Demand in a two sector economy.


In the given figure, what does the gap ‘KT’ represent? State any two fiscal measures

to correct the situation.

For Blind Candidates :

What is meant by deflationary gap? State any two fiscal measures to correct the situation of deflationary gap.

21.Discuss the working of the adjustment mechanism in the following situations :

(a) Aggregate demand is greater than Aggregate supply.

(b) Ex Ante Investments are lesser than Ex Ante Savings.

Six Marks Questions:    

22. (a)Define “Trade surplus”. How is it different from “Current account surplus”? 

(b) “Indian Rupee () plunged to all time low of  74.48 against the US Dollar ($)”. The Economic Times In the light of the above report, discuss the impact of the situation on Indian Imports. (3+3)

23. (a)State any two components of M1 measure of money supply. 

(b) Elaborate any two instruments of Credit Control, as exercised by the Reserve Bank of India. (2 +4 )


Define Credit Multiplier. What role does it play in determining the credit creation power of the banking system? Use a numerical illustration to explain.

24.Given the following data, find the missing value of ‘Government Final Consumption Expenditure’ and ‘Mixed-Income of Self Employed’. (Set-1)



  S. No.




   (in ₹ crores)


National Income



Gross Domestic Capital Formation



Government Final Consumption  Expenditure



Mixed Income of Self-Employed



Net Factor Income from Abroad



Net Indirect Taxes






Wages and Salaries



Net Exports



Private Final Consumption Expenditure



Consumption of Fixed Capital



Operating Surplus


24.Given the following data, find the missing value of ‘Private Final Consumption Expenditure’ and ‘Operating Surplus’. (Set-2)


  S. No.




   (in ₹ crores)


National Income



Net Indirect Taxes 



Private Final Consumption  Expenditure



Gross Domestic Capital Formation






Government Final Consumption Expenditure



Wages and Salaries



Consumption of Fixed Capital



Mixed Income of Self Employed



Operating Surplus



Net Factor Income from Abroad



Net Exports


24.Given the following data, find the missing values of ‘Gross Domestic Capital Formation’ and ‘Wages and Salaries’. (Set-3)

  S. No.




   (in ₹ crores)


Mixed Income of Self Employed



Net Indirect Taxes 



Wages & Salaries



Government Final Consumption Expenditure



Net Exports



Consumption of Fixed Capital



Net Factor Income from Abroad



Operating Surplus



National Income






Gross Domestic Capital Formation



Private Final Consumption Expenditure



The above question paper for CBSE Economics  2019- Code 58/1/1/2/3 combines the questions from all three sets so as to make it easy for the students to understand and analyze all the questions while preparing for their  Board Examination. The questions presented in this post belong to all three sets 58/1/1,2,3.

Original pdf. of Class XII  Question Paper for Examination 2019- Code 58/1/1,2,3 is available on 


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